Friday, July 3, 2009

Tarot Reading

This is a reading I did for a friend who will be getting married in the next few years, I know that may sound strange but her and her fiancé are only 20 and want to wait until they are a little older. First let me give a little background on these two. They are high school sweethearts and have been together for almost 5 years. He works at an airport and she works with me. One of the problems they have faced over the years is his ex girlfriend, every time she thinks this person is out of their lives she pops up again and starts trying to make trouble. She is a very level-headed person and usually does not let things get to her. He on the other hand is a person who wants people to like him and will sometimes do what ever is necessary to achieve that, even if it is not good for him. The last time they saw his ex she promised that she would leave them alone and not cause any more problems for them. She would like to believe this but the ex has promised this before. Her reading revolves around this person.

I will state the question, then tell the place of each card and what the card is as well as a brief description of what the card means in relation to the question, I will then give the full reading answering the question asked as well as the questions that are usually going on in the head and come out in the cards. I am using my Mystic Faerie deck and the standard Celtic cross for this reading. Keep in mind when I did the reading she did NOT tell me the question before I started the reading, as I do not believe you should have to tell the reader the question as this gives them an advantage, which I don’t believe is fair. You will see that I do readings different then most other readers, mine is not the popular way of reading but I have found that it works better for me and those I read for.

Question: Will his ex actually leave us alone now?

1. Knight of Wands – Ready for Action, Restless, Needs to be given a task.
2. Two of Pentacles – Balance your life, Prioritize your “jobs”.
3. Seven of Wands – You and your partner are at a standstill, one must compromise, you don’t agree on the situation.
4. The Magician – You have control over your life, watch your control, it could get you into trouble, and use your power wisely.
5. Wheel of Fortune – How will you face what is happening now? Express your emotions, if you do this you will deal better in the long run.
6. Ace of Pentacles – You can have the life you want, recognize all the good things you have in your life, don’t focus on the bad.
7. The Sun – Expect happiness, joy, and optimism, this is a real gift.
8. Four of Cups – You are annoyed, figure out what is annoying you and decide what you want to do about it.
9. Ace of Swords – Face your challenge, solve the problem, don’t wine and cry about it…fix it.
10. Three of Wands – Time to move forward, make sure you know where you want to go and how you plan on getting there.

The answer to this question is no. She will probably not leave you alone; however, it will be up to you as to how you will handle the problem. You have very strong feelings about this person and you resent the fact that she comes into your life from time to time and stirs up trouble. The one question she was also asking (in her head) was if her fiancé would allow this woman back into their lives, yet again. The answer to that question was also yes, he is a person who needs and wants acceptance, even from those that are out to do him some type of harm. You will need to find a way to deal with this fact, if that means you have to compromise then you are the one to decide if that is what you are willing to do.

Her main concern was her fiancé, she did not want to have to deal with the issues all over again, I suggested she speak with him and let him know of her concerns, and also let him know just how angry she was with this individual, and the way it made her feel.

She came to me the next week and said she had done as I suggested and was confident that he would hold to his word and not allow his ex back into his life. So far she has not made an appearance.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. If you are interested in receiving your own Tarot Reading, or if you have questions, please visit out website at:

From Me 2 You Online
Blessed Be,

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