Friday, December 11, 2009

Story about Stella

Stella came to me and wanted to know about her parents who had passed on. She said one had died not too long after the other. I asked her if they had a close relationship because souls who were very close on the other side often were born around the same time and also died around the same time. Stella told me they had been divorced for over 30 years. So I assumed they had not been very close.

I tried and tried but could not connect to either of her parents. I finally told her I was sorry but I was getting nothing. She said that was OK and to just do a past life reading for her. I picked up many lives for her. In quite a few of these lives she had been an advisor to kings, pharohs, queens, the person in her town that people came to for help with their problems. It was definitely a recurring theme for her. She resonated with this since in this life she was the person who all her friends would come to for advise. Stella said she was also the middle man for her parents. After their divorce, they didn't want to talk to each other but if they needed something from the other, they used their daughter as the middle man.

After she told me this, her parents came to me with this information: They were definitely "soulmates",what you might call "twin flames". They were so close that in most of their past lives, they reincarnated together, not really wanting to be apart. They had decided that in this life they would marry to be together for a while and then separate to see what it was like to live without the other. While writing their contract before coming here, they asked Stella to be their daughter. This way when they separated they would have someone they both knew to be their contact so they would at least know what was going on with each other. Stella had such a good track record for being an understanding advisor, they thought she was the perfect soul for their daughter in this life.

Their lives had worked out just how they wanted it and they wanted to thank Stella for being such a wonderful go-between for them. This all made perfect sense to Stella and knew what she heard was correct.

It is always so interesting to me how we, as souls, plan out our life lessons here on this earthly plane, how we contract with just the right souls to help us, and even though we don't remember all this planning when we get here, it all works out just as we planned. Amazing!!

Thanks for sharing your time and this story with me.


For more stories and information about Bonnie's readings and abilities, please visit her website at:

Thank you.