Friday, July 10, 2009

Tarot Card - The Four of Cups

The Four of Cups represents Reevaluation; a kindness may come from others, a dissatisfaction with success, boredom, and annoyance. The Four of Cups usually means there is some kind of discord in the relationship. You are dissatisfied with the way the both of you are feeling or where the relationship is heading. The Four of Cups is a card that is trying to tell you to practice moderation when it comes to affairs of the heart or your relationship. Do not take the love you have for granted, make sure you appreciate what you have. If you start to take things for granted you run the risk of losing it. The Four of Cups symbolizes a feeling of being cheated or let down, but be aware that these feelings are usually a result of your unreal expectations.

The Four of Cups does not just deal with boredom or annoyance in a romantic relationship, it can represent these qualities in a business relationship, or a relationship with friends, or even family. Do not misunderstand, this card is not telling you to just give up and let it go, unless that is what is best for all the parties involved. First take a long hard look at the relationship, the time you have put into making the relationship what it is today. Are you willing to give it up because you are bored? If you are not ready then you need to reevaluate and go from there.

If the Four of Cups appears in a spread you are probably being warned to recognize the love you have in your life, make sure you acknowledge that love, don’t take it for granted because if you do you run the risk of losing that love. If you are asking about something other than a romantic relationship, remember the same things apply to all relationships; they have been very good to and for you so don’t take them for granted, don’t just throw it all away without giving it some serious thought.

If the Four of Cups appears in the “Significator” position you are being told you need to take a good close look at the relationship you are in. why are you so bored, or annoyed? You need to decide if all the time and energy you have put into this relationship is worth fighting to keep, or if it is time to just let go and start again. If the Four of Cups appears in the “Future Influences” position it could be an early warning that you are headed towards boredom, and/annoyance in some kind of relationship. Depending upon your question and what you are looking for you have many different possible answers available to you. But always remember to follow you heart.

If you would like to experience a Tarot Card reading for yourself, please go to my website at: and give me your name and email address and I will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. You are appreciated.

From Me 2 You Online,
Blessed Be,

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