Monday, July 6, 2009

Star Matrix Healing - Jennifer

Jennifer asked me to do a Star Matrix Healing on her. A few hours before Jennifer came, I asked my Ancient Ones to let me know what negative thoughts and feelings needed to be released and what Positive thoughts and feelings needed to be put back in to fill the voids left from the negative ones. When Jennifer came, we talked for a short time. She told me a few of the things that she felt she was having problems with and after that we started the healing.

Jennifer sat in a chair, and I stood in front of her, facing her. When I was ready, I put my hands about 12 inches in front of her forehead. As I worked on her Crown and Third Eye chakras, I saw things being released from those two chakras, then I refilled those chakras with Peace, Joy and the other positive things my Ancient Ones told me. But when I got to her heart chakra, it was a different story. I tried and tried to see her heart and what needed to be released, but I just couldn't. What the Ancient Ones showed me instead was Jennifer sitting on a chair facing a door. She had one foot on either side of the door frame and her hands on the door knob holding it closed. They showed me people on the other side of the door trying to get in but she continued to hold the door shut. She had closed her heart and refused to let anyone in. Even I could not get in to heal it.

I knew she had a man in her life who loved her dearly. Now I knew why she was having problems with the relationship. I told her there was nothing more I could do since she had her heart closed. Of course she wouldn't believe me. She said she was a very loving person and I must be wrong. I couldn't finish the healing.

A few days later she had scheduled a psychic reading with an amazing well known reader. When Jennifer called the reader at her appointed time, the reader said she was sorry but she couldn't pick anything up on Jennifer because her heart was closed. The reader had no idea what I had told Jennifer a few days before. This truly made Jennifer think. She told me what the reader had said and she now believed me. She finally realized that she was indeed closing her heart to keep from getting hurt.

Today Jennifer has opened her heart, and she and her loving man are very happy. I am always so grateful for the wonderful information that my ancient Ones give me.

If you would like a Star Matrix Healing,or if you have questions concerning this new healing method, please go to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for sharing your time with Me
Love, Peace, Joy and Gratitude,

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