Monday, June 15, 2009



Some of the most confusing cards in the Tarot deck are the Court cards. There are Court cards for each suit, and depending on the deck the names for the Court cards are different. The most common names used for the four Court cards are Paige’s, Knight’s, Queen’s, and King’s.

One of the reasons the Court cards can be so confusing is because court cards almost always indicate a person or in some cases people. This person or these people can be in the seekers life either in the past, in the present, or in the future, it is also not unheard of that the person in question is the seeker themselves.

The court cards are confusing because of the fact that they deal with people, if you are getting a general reading and a court card comes up in the health spot, how are you supposed to interpret that? Do you interpret it too mean the seeker is supposed to seek out a doctor and if so what kind and where? Probably the only time a Court card would not be confusing is if you were asking a specific question, because then the card would revolve around the question. Of course it also depends upon where in the spread the Court card is. Another way the court card can be confusing, is not just the card itself but the type of deck you are using.

Don’t get discouraged if a court card appears in a spread and it does not seem to have any purpose, it is not the end, there is a reason the card showed up, and in the spread and area that it did, It is up to the reader to figure out why it showed up where it did, and what it means.

Most of the time the card is just trying to either remind you that there is someone special about to come into your life, or they are reminding you of someone who is already in your life. The final reason is to remind you, that you are the special person in your life and to trust yourself.

If you would like a Tarot Card Reading or for more information on Tarot Card Readings, please visit my website at:

Thank you for sharing your time with Me.
From Me 2 You Online,

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