Monday, April 20, 2009

Alternative Healings - The Light of Johrei

Johrei is the practice and process of sharing universal energy for the benefit of all. Johrei was introduced to America in 1953, and Johrei Fellowship centers exist throughout the United States. The impetus for all the activities of the Johrei Fellowship is the inspiration of one man, Mokichi Okada, who was born in Japan on December 23, 1882. In his later life those around him, who recognized his vision for a new civilization and worked to bring it about, called him Meishu-sama which could be translated as "Master of Light."

Mokichi Okada’s inspired writings are practical, simple teachings of common sense that offer guidance in order to achieve health, spiritual up-liftment and happiness. Johrei has been compared to Reiki, which also had its’ beginnings in Japan. They are similar in many ways but Johrei works with the energy of fire while Reiki works with the energy of water. Johrei also takes healings a step further into the understanding that we all can increase our health and happiness by bringing beauty into our lives and eating naturally grown foods.

In his lifetime, Mokichi Okada built and inspired the creation of magnificent art museums, filled with inspirational art pieces that he collected. He believed that all art of a higher inspiration or vibration should be shared with everyone and not just cloistered within the collections of the privileged few. He designed exquisite gardens and structures that he envisioned as prototypes of an ideal community. In addition to the art museums and exquisite gardens, Mokichi Okada started ‘Nature Farming’ which is now not only being practiced in Japan but all over the world.

Johrei’s healing energy is given by a Johrei practitioner directing that energy through the palm of the hand at various parts of the body. There is no ‘laying on of hands’ as there is in Reiki. Although Johrei can be received where ever you are – you do not have to be within the immediate vicinity of the practitioner – one is encouraged to receive Johrei at a Johrei Center as the vibrational energy is much greater and has a much more profound effect on the receiver.

For more information or if you are interested in receiving Johrei please visit our website at

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