Friday, December 11, 2009

Story about Stella

Stella came to me and wanted to know about her parents who had passed on. She said one had died not too long after the other. I asked her if they had a close relationship because souls who were very close on the other side often were born around the same time and also died around the same time. Stella told me they had been divorced for over 30 years. So I assumed they had not been very close.

I tried and tried but could not connect to either of her parents. I finally told her I was sorry but I was getting nothing. She said that was OK and to just do a past life reading for her. I picked up many lives for her. In quite a few of these lives she had been an advisor to kings, pharohs, queens, the person in her town that people came to for help with their problems. It was definitely a recurring theme for her. She resonated with this since in this life she was the person who all her friends would come to for advise. Stella said she was also the middle man for her parents. After their divorce, they didn't want to talk to each other but if they needed something from the other, they used their daughter as the middle man.

After she told me this, her parents came to me with this information: They were definitely "soulmates",what you might call "twin flames". They were so close that in most of their past lives, they reincarnated together, not really wanting to be apart. They had decided that in this life they would marry to be together for a while and then separate to see what it was like to live without the other. While writing their contract before coming here, they asked Stella to be their daughter. This way when they separated they would have someone they both knew to be their contact so they would at least know what was going on with each other. Stella had such a good track record for being an understanding advisor, they thought she was the perfect soul for their daughter in this life.

Their lives had worked out just how they wanted it and they wanted to thank Stella for being such a wonderful go-between for them. This all made perfect sense to Stella and knew what she heard was correct.

It is always so interesting to me how we, as souls, plan out our life lessons here on this earthly plane, how we contract with just the right souls to help us, and even though we don't remember all this planning when we get here, it all works out just as we planned. Amazing!!

Thanks for sharing your time and this story with me.


For more stories and information about Bonnie's readings and abilities, please visit her website at:

Thank you.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The Queen of Cups represents a good natured person, happiness, a gentle person, a good wife and/or loving mother, she can also represent a person whose imagination out weighs their common sense. In some rare cases the Queen may also represent a person who is controlling or even manipulative.

No card in the tarot has more intuition then the Queen of Cups, she is often compared to a mirror as she reflects the hidden depths of others back to them, this is so they can see their own mysteries for themselves, and however, the Queens secrets remain hidden even to her at times. The Queen of Cups can almost always be found in people near you or even in yourself. Some may think the Queen of Cups is psychic, however, this is not the case, and she does poses extraordinary insight into the behavior and motivations of others. She is often seen as a gifted counselor and healer ready to provide a shoulder to cry on if and when it becomes necessary. Her beauty lies in the purity of her spirit. Even if she is not physically beautiful, her spirit will attract others too her. She is also a dreamer with wonderful fantasies and a vivid imagination.

Like most other cards the Queen of Cups do have negative qualities, she often loses herself in her fantasies and daydreams, and though completely confident in her instincts she is unable to apply these instincts to anything in the real world. When it comes to poetry, music, artistry, and mothering no other card can compete with her. Spending as long as she does in the spiritual world tends to make her quite uncomfortable when she has to leave it. She places great importance on relationships because she sees herself as unable to stand alone, she needs and wants someone by her side.

When the Queen of Cups appears in reference to a part of your own personality is should be taken as a suggestion to think carefully about how you use the vast stores of the spiritual wisdom you have access to at all times. The Queen of Cups can be a sign that you should use your intuition to guide you, it can also be a warning that you are thinking too much with your heart and not your head. If you continue to do this it can cause your dreams to grow out of control, and out of your reach.

If the Queen of Cups appears in the “How Others See You” position it could mean that others see you as a person who is a very good judge of character, you know at a glance who you can trust and who you can’t. You are the type of person who is there for others, you are the type of person who would give someone the shirt off your back and not expect anything in return for doing so.

If the Queen appears in the “Past Influences” position it could mean that you have listened to your intuition and found the answers you are looking for. You no longer let your heart rule you; you listen to both your heart and your head and then make the decision that is best suited for you.

Thank you for sharing your time with me and if you would like a Tarot Card Reading, please contact me at my website

From Me 2 You Online,
Blessed Be,

Friday, September 25, 2009


The Knight of Cups represents the coming or going of an emotional matter, it also represents intelligence, a romantic dreamer. The Knight may enter your life as a person or even as a part of yourself.

The Knight of Cups is a messenger, he often manifests as a bearer of news. He represents invitations, messages of love, and proposals of marriage. In addition to the physical sources of information the Knight of Cups can also represent a wisdom that comes from your dreams, and this can help you overcome obstacles in your life. Many times this card can represent the start of a relationship, it can also show daydreaming and idealism, and it highlights relationships in which one partner is placed on and unfair pedestal.

The Knight of Cups is not dashing across the land with the wind blowing through his hair. His horse moves forward, but slowly, giving and impression of calmness and peace. He is in touch with his intuition and emotions, and he uses them to his own advantage during his quests of romance and seduction. The Knight of Cups is a dreamer, who is known to have wild ideas and flights of fancy. His wild imagination puts a little spark in any relationship he may be involved in, and he always seems to be in a relationship of some kind, because he is a born romantic-and of course a hopeless flirt. Beneath his calm exterior he is a man of great passion. He has an idealistic view of life and he has no tolerance for people who cannot or will not believe in their dreams.

If the Knight of Cups appears in your spread it could be a warning that you are getting too wrapped up in your dreams. The Knight can also show you what you are missing out on if you take everything so seriously and literally. The Knight of Cups is a balancing card, telling you to follow your dreams but don’t let them rule you. It is ok to show love but don’t get obsessive about it. In short you are the one in control of your life and your dreams; don’t turn that control over to anyone.

If the Knight of Cups appears in the “How Others See You” position it could mean that others see you as a dreamer, you have a very romantic heart and want to share it with others. It could also mean they see you being a little flighty but this does not define or rule you.

If the card appears in the “Final Outcome” position it could mean that you are finally in control of your life, you have learned to balance our dreams with reality, you aren’t taking everything so literal.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. For more information or for a full Tarot Reading, please contact me at my website:

From Me 2 You Online,
Blessed be,

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tarot - Page of Cups


The Page of Cups (also called the Knave) represents gentleness, sweetness, interests in art and poetry, and kindness. The Page of Cups can also represent a message about a creative or artistic project; it can represent a romance or an emotional situation.

The Page of Cups in a sense portrays an image of gentleness, she suggests the birth of something new, and it could be a rebirth of your capacity to love, or a renewal of your faith when it comes to love. You may need this faith because you were hurt in a past relationship. You have been in pain and you have spent time when you did not believe in yourself. You must go through the pain in order to have this rebirth and find the ability to love again. Just like all the other Pages they suggest something delicate and fragile, something easily misunderstood. Our sense of self love is seen the same way, however, this sense of self love can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Those who are represented by the Page of Cups are called true romantics at heart. This person is very compassionate and gentle, is usually artistic and can be highly imaginative. The Page of Cups is seen as a person whose imagination is free, free to create a life exactly as she chooses, just remember even though her head may be in the clouds her feet are firmly on the ground. Many times the Page of Cups refers to children, and that is due to the fact that she is still very childlike herself. The Page of Cups often seems dreamy yet detached a lot of the time. Ideas may seem elusive and impossible to realize but their base is solid. Regardless of all this the Page of Cups is there and always ready to serve in any way possible.

If the Page of Cups appears in the “Future” position you could be being told that on a feeling level you are in for something new. It could be a new relationship, or it could mean something new is coming to an old relationship. This card could also be telling you that you have been through a tough time but not only are you beginning to love yourself but others as well. If the Page of Cups appears in the “Hopes and Fears” position it could mean you are afraid to love yourself because you have been hurt, you think the problem lies within you, you don’t think you will ever be able to love again. This is your fear. Your hope is that one day you will know that the problem is not only you. You hope that one day you can learn to love yourself again and if you can, perhaps you can learn to love someone else.

It may not seem like it but this card is a card of hope, children always have hope, and that is what this card reminds us to do….Hope.

For more information or for a Tarot Card Reading, please visit my website at:

Thank you for sharing your time with me.
Blessed Be,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tarot Card - Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups represents a wish that may come true, it can mean physical well-being, and it could also mean an assured future.

Now that all the difficulties are over the Nine of Cups comes in, and this card is known as the Wish card, it is also the most uplifting and positive cards in the Tarot. The card represents satisfaction on sensual, emotional, and physical levels. Many believe that if the Nine of Cups makes an appearance it should be taken as a sign that whatever your hearts desires, it will soon be granted, just be careful as it may not happen exactly as you expect, but be assured the wish will be granted. You are rewarded for the efforts you have made and the commitment.

Remember that all cups cards usually refer to emotions and relationships. The Nine of Cups refers to an emotionally fulfilling relationship; it can be the consummation of a sexual relationship, the strengthening of a romantic bond, or the solidification of a very good friendship. This card allows you to see that happiness and joy are in your grasp. It could also mean you already have all this in your life. The Nine is also a reminder to enjoy all you have in your life for as long as you have it. Take time everyday to give thanks for all the people you love, and those who love you back, with this card you can see the perfection that is all around you.

If the Nine of Cups appears in your spread you are a very lucky person, you are one of the few who gets to have your wish come true. You have made all the sacrifices you were meant too and now you are about to receive your reward. If the Nine of Cups appears in the “How others see you” position it could mean others see you as a very special person, they see the change in you. Others now see you as a very happy person, you have pulled yourself out of your depression, and the wish you asked for has now come true. If the Nine of Cups appears in the “Crowning” position it could be said you have your head in the clouds, or that you are on cloud nine.

You may be wondering if there is any kind of warning associated with this card as there have been with almost all the others, the answer to that is no. The Nine of Cups is one of the few cards that does not come with a warning or an alternate meaning, this card is just what it says it is, a wish card….and your wish has come true.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. For a Tarot Card Reading or more information, please visit me at:

From Me 2 You Online
Blessed Be,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

DAGAZ #24 - The Rune of Transformation/Breakthrough

Alternative Names:
Anglo-Friesian/Germanic: Dagaz
Norse (Viking): Dag, Daeg
Old English: Daeg
Other names/spellings: Daaz, Dagr, Dagar, Dagur, Dags, Daguz

Pronunciation: Daw-ghawz
English Letter Equivalent: D as in dog, DJ as in Django Reinhardt, DTH as in breadth
Translation: Day
Meaning: Day. Daylight. Dawn. Breakthrough. Radical change.

Runic Number: 24
Color: Light Blue
Element: Fire and Air
Polarity: Male
Associated gods: Heimdall
Astrological Correspondence: The full moon

A breakthrough. A new dawn or a major change of direction. Achievement and prosperity, a successful conclusion to a passage. Darkness is behind you because a new day has begun. DAGAZ means day, and in the Nordic lands of long nights and winters, the day is strongly associated with light and life. DAGAZ is the essence of natural daylight, the new light of dawn, and the strength of the sun. Spiritually, it is the divine light, the high point of the natural cycle of darkness-light-darkness. It signifies brightness, growth, progress, development, and sometimes fundamental change.

Personal Interpretation:
The divine light is guiding you towards your goal. Remain true, and good fortune will be with you. You are well protected by the power of the light. It will give you clear vision to avoid dangers, but don't be blinded by your ego. Remain humble and thankful for all the good things that come to you.

DAGAZ has no reverse.

A false dawn. The time is not right for change. The daylight is yet to come. Persevere and trust in your strength and ability.

For your own personal Rune Reading or for more information, please visit my website at:

Thank you for sharing your time with me.

From Me 2 You Online
Laurie Jo

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tarot Card - Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups represents a lasting happiness, a happy family life, and true friendship. The Ten of Cups represents the cycles that have been completed, lives that have been well lived, and journeys that have been finished. Peace and serenity are in the air, and for a while you are able to forget all the materialistic troubles that have surrounded you, nothing material matters, the only thing that matters is the happiness that has been earned through trials and tribulations. This success is not a temporary one, but one of lasing peace and harmony. You have no regrets over your past, you have no concerns for the future, this means you can seize the day and live in the moment.

The Ten of Cups represents a state of permanence and contentment. The reunion of these lovers has dissipated, even with all the troubles you went through. The Ten of Cups can be seen as a marriage that was built on a conscious union between two loving but separate partners. These two lovers can now enjoy their future with the knowledge that they can now endure and even survive any challenge that life may throw at them. The Ten of Cups often means an ongoing and permanent contentment in the realm of the heart.

As with most of the cards in the Tarot this one also comes with a warning. The warning of the Ten of Cups is not to squander those precious moments that have been given to you. It warns you not to take your happiness for granted, for if you do you run the risk of watching that happiness slip sway. Don’t let your time just sit there and do nothing you must keep this love in a constant state of growth and renewal. The Ten of Cups reminds you not to go looking for problems, relax and enjoy what you have. If you have paid attention and learned your lessons you have nothing to fear and nothing can take your happiness away from you.

If the Ten of Cups appears in the “Future” positions then you have great things headed your way, you are fighting for your happiness and it is all about to pay off. If the card appears in the “Hopes and Fears” position it could mean you want to stay where you are in your relationship, but you are afraid it is too good to be true. You know what you have is what you fought so hard for so don’t let your fears ruin it.

For more information or for a Tarot Card Reading, contact me at:

Thank you for sharing your time with me.
From Me 2 You Online
Blessed Be,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

EHWAZ #19 - Change/Movement

Alternative Names:Anglo-Friesian/Germanic: EhwazNorse (Viking): EohOld English: Eh, Oe or EohOther Names/Spellings: Aihws, Ehol, Ehwar, Eol, Eow, Eukur, Eys, Ior
Pronunciation: Ay-wahz
English Letter Equivalent: E as in end, EE as in sheet
Translation: Horse
Meaning: Horse, beast of burden, steed or mount. Momentum, Speed.
Runic Number: 19
Color: White
Element: Earth
Polarity: Male and Female
Associated gods: Frey, Freyja
Astrological Correspondence: Gemini

Speed of thought or deed. Quick-wittedness. Forward progress, purposeful motion. Willingness. Sure-footed, confident, loyal. EHWAZ represents the horse. The speed, strength, and beauty of a horse makes it much more than a means of transport. It is a sacred animal, a vehicle for material and spiritual advancement. EHWAZ implies controlled change, progress, and sometimes a journey. It also represents partnership, trust, loyalty, and faithfulness, such as that between horse and rider, brother and sister, two halves of the whole.

Personal Interpretation:
You have the support you need to make swift progress towards your goal. But you must be loyal and supportive to those around you, as they are to you. The horse is proud, but that does not impede its purpose. So while you can be proud of your achievements, you must remain humble to ensure your journey reaches a successful conclusion.

Lethargy, retrograde motion, regression. Muddled thinking. Reluctance. Diffidence. Becoming lost or bemused.

That which appears stagnant will suddenly move. Someone willing or confident will be up to no good.

For more information on Runes or for your own Rune Reading, please visit my website at:

Thank you for sharing your time with me.

From Me 2 You Online,
Laurie Jo

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tarot Card - Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups represents a disappointment in love, abandonment from your current path in life, the desire to leave the success you have for the possibility of something higher; it could also mean you are miserable for no reason.

The Eight of Cups represents the most difficult stage of your journey towards your goal of your relationship. The Eight of Cups signifies the most painful stage in a relationship because there is nothing further that can be done, you must give up and start again. When faced with this situation many people would continue to bully, plead, and even in some cases blackmail their partner in hopes of changing their present circumstances. This is not the case, you must be willing to let go, it is the letting go that will change you, and allow you to move forward.
Many see this card as telling you that you have listened to your inner voice, and searched your soul, but you are still feeling like you are only living half a life. You know what it is you want to do; you now need to do what is necessary to make it happen. You need to be strong, if you aren’t strong and just give up you may end up wondering “what if”. The message is usually one of sacrifice, and that sacrifice usually comes from the heart. If the Eight of Cups appears in your spread the message (depending on the question) could be telling you that you cannot go backwards, nor can you just stay where you are, you must make the best of your future. The Eight of Cups is often a card of self discovery.

If the Eight of Cups appears in the “Significator” position it is trying to tell you that this situation of going through the pain is the only thing you are focused on. You can’t think of anything else except the pain, nothing else matters. Why are you so focused? You need to figure it out and fix it. If the Eight of Cups appears in the “How you see yourself” position, you could be being told you need to take a close look at where you are. You already know this, but for some reason you are ignoring what you know you need to do. You can see yourself going through the pain, but what you need to see is yourself letting go of that pain and starting again.

It may not seem like it but the Eight of Cups is a very good and positive card. Yes it represents a period of mourning, however, once the mourning process is over, the card is telling you that there is a new and brighter future to look forward too. It is all about balance so take a look at your situation and see what if anything can be done to balance out your life.

For more information about Tarot Card Readings or for a Tarot Card Reading, please contact me at my website:

Thank you for sharing your time with me.
From Me 2 You Online,
Blessed Be,

Friday, August 14, 2009

ANSUZ -#4 – Odin's RUNE-the Messenger RUNE-Signals/Communications

Alternative Names:Anglo-Freisian/Germanic: AnsuzNorse (Viking): AssOld English: OsOther names/spellings: Aesir, Ansur, Ansus, As, Aza, Easc, Oss
Pronunciation: Awn - sooze
English Letter Equivalent: A as in hat. Long A as in harm, lawn.
Translation: A god. Odin, (in reverse Loki - messenger of the gods and a trickster)
Meaning: Knowledge. Wisdom. Communication. The mouth. A message.
Runic Number: 4
Color: Dark Blue
Element: Air
Polarity: Male

ANSUZ is primarily Odin's rune and represents communication, creativity, controlled and divine power. Spiritually, it is the rune of prophecy and revelation. It also encompasses the ideas of wisdom, knowledge, reason, and therefore of instruction and good advice. It might also refer to a test, examination, or perhaps an interview. It can mean a letter, book, paper, message or other information. Because Loki was a renowned trickster, ANSUZ reversed may also portend a surprise, trick or subterfuge.

Personal Interpretation:
The answers to questions are available but not yet recognized. Look for signs and confirmations which are all around. Everything has significance and appreciation of this will lead to understanding. Ensure you don't ignore the message because you don't like the content. All experience is a lesson that teaches by acknowledging the truth knowledge and wisdom will increase.

Take care not to misinterpret information. Something you read is more important than it appears. Beware pranks.
Failed communication. Lack of clarity or awareness. Hidden messages. Secrets. Information disguised. What appears to be a trick is genuine.

For more information or for a full Rune Reading, please visit my website at:

Thank you for sharing your time with me
Laurie Jo

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rune #11 - ISA - Standstill

Alternative NamesAnglo-Friesian/Germanic: IsaNorse (Viking): IsOld English: IsOther Names/Spellings: Eis, Icz, Isar, Isaz, Iss
English Letter Equivalent: I (short) as in sit.
Pronunciation: Ee-saw
Translation: Ice
Runic Number: 11
Color: Black
Element: Ice (i.e. Water)
Polarity: Female
Associated gods: Verdandi
Astrological Correspondence: The Moon

Ice, cold, freezing. Lack of change. Stagnation. Lack of emotion. Storing binding. Bridge across danger.

Isa means ice. Although ice can be beautiful, it is also dangerous. It can be slippery or treacherously thin, or block your progress. Isa means that you may have to delay your plans until a more favorable season. But it can take the heat out of a confrontation, or protect against magical attack.

Isa implies a cooling of affection, or frigidity. It has a freezing, delaying, or preserving effect on other runes around it.

Personal Interpretation:
A period of non-action is indicated. Do not let yourself get into a rut. Do not take anyone for granted. Be not afraid to show your feelings. Crossing water will be beneficial. Things appear to be at a standstill and this is not a time to try to force movement. Patience and wisdom are called for. This is not the time to abandon goals, but an opportunity to reaffirm them. This is a time for contemplation and preparation, not despondency or regrets. Things will change as surely as winter changes to spring and then summer.

ISA has no reverse.

Coolness hides emotion. An impending change will not be of benefit. Smiles mask evil intentions.

For more information or if you would like your own Rune Reading, please visit my website at:

Thank you for sharing your time with me.

From Me 2 You Online,
Laurie Jo